Soil Application-
Fruits and Vegetables: 2 ml - 5 ml / gallon
Trees: 15 ml - 30 ml / gallon
Hydroponic Application-
For hydroponic use apply Heart at a rate of 2.5 ml/gallon. Allow the solution to settle prior to application. Adjust pH as needed.
Heart delivers a high quality humic acid to the soil rich with microbes. While humic acid may facilitate nutrient availability giving the plant life; rich microbial diversity gives the soil life. Heart is the foundation of all HyKreations fertility programs, providing a continual food source to beneficial bacteria. During the mineralization process, carbon is initiated making nutrients available that may aid in plant growth.
Promotes larger and stronger root systems in plants, trees, and grasses.
Improves water retention.
The heart increases water retention in the soil by adding organic matter.
Excellent source of food for beneficial microbes.
Microbial diversity in the soil is a key component of maintaining a healthy environment.
Improves overall soil structure.
Consistent applications using Heart will increase friable soil and permeability.
Provides trace minerals to the soil.
“Chelates” nutrients in soils and fertilizer, making them easier for plants to absorb.
Combats the negative effects of salt in the soil, from conventional fertilizer and other sources.
Increased nutrient availability.
Helps plants to absorb nutrients that would otherwise be unavailable due to nutrient fixation in the soil.
Improves cation exchange capacity (CEC).
Soil Application-
Fruits and Vegetables: 5 ml - 30 ml /gallon
Trees: 15 ml - 30 ml / gallon
Foliar Application-
Fruits and Vegetables: 5 ml - 15 ml / gallon
Trees: 5 ml - 15 ml / gallon
Hydroponic Application-
For hydroponic use apply Soul at a rate of 5 ml/gallon. Adjust pH as needed.
The soul is a liquid humic acid derivative designed by nature to bind, transport, and deposit vital nutrients and minerals to the plant’s metabolic sights. Souls' low pH solution allows minerals to remain in ionic form rendering a higher rate of absorption by the plant cells. The unique molecular structures of the Soul make for a universal chelator of all macro and micronutrients.
High Bioavailability.
The soul can be administered via foliar applications. Its low molecular weight facilitates absorption into the plant. Ideal for delivering NPKs and micronutrients.
Contains 60+ trace minerals.
Filling any nutritional deficiencies or demands not met by the soil alone. Helps correct deficiencies with a short response time.
Stimulates root growth and root formation. Increases germination and viability of seeds.
Naturally occurring plant hormones facilitate overall development and relieve environmental stress.
Increased nutrient and mineral content of plants and fruit.
Helps produce healthy nutrient-dense foods with a longer shelf life.
Removes toxins and pollutants in the soil.
Increases Brix levels in all fruit and vegetables.
Soil Application-
Fruits and Vegetables: 1 ml - 5 ml / gallon
Trees: 5 ml - 10 ml / gallon
Foliar Application-
Fruits and Vegetables: 1 ml - 2 ml / gallon
Trees: 2 ml - 5 ml / gallon
Hydroponic Application-
For hydroponic use apply Essence at a rate of 1 ml/gallon. Adjust pH as needed.
The purest form of Ascophyllum nodosum (Seaweed) can only be found in Essence. Our mineral-rich kelp is formulated and designed to feed your plants below and above all season long. Essence naturally contains plant growth hormones. When used as a foliar spray, Essence provides available minerals that act as co-factors activating biochemical reactions in the plant cells. The fibrous material, in Essence, is an excellent source of organic matter and microbial food.
Remarkable resistance to climate effects: such as frost, strong heat, dryness, and in general greater resistance to pest attacks.
Contains amino acids, trace minerals, plant hormones, and beneficial microbes.
Induces flower production. More blooms and budding sites. More fruit production.
Naturally occurring plant hormone that aids in the overall fruit quality.
Helps increase Brix, the sugar content of the fruit.
Extends shelf life. Longer-lasting fruit.
Excellent source of microbe food.
Fibrous plant material feeds the microbe population.
Soil Application-
Fruits and Vegetables: 5 ml - 30 ml / gallon
Trees: 15 ml - 30 ml / gallon
Foliar Application-
Fruits and Vegetables: 5 ml - 15 ml / gallon
Trees: 10 ml - 15 ml / gallon
Hydroponic Application-
For hydroponic use, Noble Gills should be applied at a rate of 5 ml - 10 ml/gallon. Adjust pH as needed.
Noble Gills 3-1-1 is a high-quality liquid fish soil conditioner, formulated to aid each stage of plant development. “Noble Gills ”contains digestible protein derived from fish soluble. This proprietary blend of fish helps maintain steady plant growth during the vegetative stage while providing just the right amount of trace minerals for fruit development. Noble Gills provide an abundant food source for beneficial microbes with every application to the soil and foliage.
What makes “Noble Gills” so unique? Is the combination of sardine species. While sardines may be small, they are an excellent choice for a fish soil conditioner. Sardines tend to live in colder water. Living in this environment fish produce a higher fat and protein content. It is these fish that are chosen for “Noble Gills.” True royalty of the sea.
Great source of calcium and magnesium
Ideal for new leaf growth and young plants. Helps with photosynthesis and creating foliage.
Digestible form of nutrients and trace minerals.
Will not cause burning.
Excellent nutrients for vegetables, such as leafy greens.
Sustainable organic soil conditioner.
Improves better soil quality and water penetration.
Provides various food sources for microbes.